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Tuesday 18 June 2019

Vocabulary unit 7

Tie - Corbata
Flip flops - chanclas
Scarf - bufanda
Bow tie - pajarita

Expressiveness of lines

Vertical line: They express an asundent or descendent movement, depending on how they are used
Horizontal line: They produced visual feeling of stability and colaess or triangulity
Skew lines expressiveness: They produced unsteadiness and movements feelings


It is a way of shading of givings tones to the areas of object or surfaces with parallels lines
Cross hatching: It´sa way of shanding areas of a drawing or surface with paralalles lines in several directions
Dashed/or dotted/lines:They are lines which are not continous, formed by little traces or dots
Blurred: They are very soft or vanished so they are hard to see and opposite to intense and deep
Siplem lines: Those that are formed by only one line
Composite lines: They are lines composite by fragments of several straight and curved lines


It can be defined as a dot in moviment it has a position a direction in the space and one of its principal function consists on marking the shapes outlines
Line zig zag or broken lines: They are formed by several fragments of straigh lines with different directions
Wavy line: They are formed by several fragments of curved lines
Curly lines: They hold more curves than many lines and shaw loops
Scribble: Chaotic on meanringless lines that are traed radouly or to fill in some are with a particular texture

Basic Elements Of Visual Representation

Dot: t is the smallest and most simple elements in art expression. It may have different qualities such as size. Shape and colour
The dot tee dimensional capacity: When the size, shapes and colour changed, the dots can create visual sensations of spacial deepness and volumeç
The dot expresive capacity: The point has a unlimited capacity to represent images an to express ideas and emotions
Optical mix: When colours are mired with the help of distance. Paint isn´t mixed on the palette or on the painting