Thursday, 20 June 2019


Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Vocabulary unit 7

Tie - Corbata
Flip flops - chanclas
Scarf - bufanda
Bow tie - pajarita

Expressiveness of lines

Vertical line: They express an asundent or descendent movement, depending on how they are used
Horizontal line: They produced visual feeling of stability and colaess or triangulity
Skew lines expressiveness: They produced unsteadiness and movements feelings


It is a way of shading of givings tones to the areas of object or surfaces with parallels lines
Cross hatching: It´sa way of shanding areas of a drawing or surface with paralalles lines in several directions
Dashed/or dotted/lines:They are lines which are not continous, formed by little traces or dots
Blurred: They are very soft or vanished so they are hard to see and opposite to intense and deep
Siplem lines: Those that are formed by only one line
Composite lines: They are lines composite by fragments of several straight and curved lines


It can be defined as a dot in moviment it has a position a direction in the space and one of its principal function consists on marking the shapes outlines
Line zig zag or broken lines: They are formed by several fragments of straigh lines with different directions
Wavy line: They are formed by several fragments of curved lines
Curly lines: They hold more curves than many lines and shaw loops
Scribble: Chaotic on meanringless lines that are traed radouly or to fill in some are with a particular texture

Basic Elements Of Visual Representation

Dot: t is the smallest and most simple elements in art expression. It may have different qualities such as size. Shape and colour
The dot tee dimensional capacity: When the size, shapes and colour changed, the dots can create visual sensations of spacial deepness and volumeç
The dot expresive capacity: The point has a unlimited capacity to represent images an to express ideas and emotions
Optical mix: When colours are mired with the help of distance. Paint isn´t mixed on the palette or on the painting

Thursday, 13 June 2019


There are pairs of colours with are locoted one in front of ich other on the colour wheel
Warm range: It is a scale of colours that has either more yellow, more magenta, or both in its mixture
Cold/cool range: It is a scale of colours that has more cyan or blue in its mixture than any other colours
Grey scale: It is a set of colours which only has any colours between black and white, it contains a scale of greys


It is a element of visual language. It is a light impression that arrives to the eyes which send information to the brain
Epigmen: It is the sustance that made the material for paint and the origin can be mineral, animal
Hue: Also called toned or tint, it is the name of the colour defined by its wavelenght
Saturation: Degree of purity of a color. If a color is very satured it means that it is very pure and doesn´t have many colours in its mix
Value: Sometimes called brightness or luminosity It is the amount of black or white that a colour has in its mix